LARGE SCRIMSHAW TOOTH WITH A PANORAMIC WHALING SCENE. One side with a starboard view of a whale ship sitting backwinded while four of her boats actively engage in sperm whaling. One area of the water with red coloring around a harpooned whale. Much like the tooth on the cover of "Scrimshaw and Scrimshanders" the entire depiction of the water seems to have been shaped to resemble a whale. The reverse with the starboard view of an American frigate approaching an armed fort that flys a large American Flag. The vessel's flag highlighted with red coloring. Very large tooth measuring 8 1/4" l x 3 1/8" w. Quite heavy weighing just under 2 lbs. Condition overall excellent having acquired a deep, rich patina throughout. This is a most desirable tooth from an era that Stuart Frank likes to refer to as scrimshaw's golden age. Circa 1835. From my personal collection. Note: a few years ago I offered and sold this fine tooth and just recently took it back in trade toward another quite expensive scrimshaw item.
We are always interested in purchasing nautical antiques. If you are selling one piece or your entire collection we would appreciate hearing from you.
107 Ocean Avenue
PO Box 765
Kennebunkport, Maine 04046
Tel: 207-967-3218 - Cell: 561-789-6930 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.