BRASS DARTING GUN WITH HARPOON AND ORIGINAL POLE. Unmarked but most assuredly made in New Bedford by E. Pierce. Overall length of gun 17 3/4". Still retains iron trigger rod. Original octagonal/round pole measures 60" l. and still retains all its rope work and leather straps. 36" long harpoon with head having a "PETERS" stamp that is half visible because of how it was originally stamped. Overall length with harpoon in place 99". Condition overall very good but "in the black" being just as it was when stored after being taken out of service. Great salty look and especially nice with the pole and ropework.
We are always interested in purchasing nautical antiques. If you are selling one piece or your entire collection we would appreciate hearing from you.
107 Ocean Avenue
PO Box 765
Kennebunkport, Maine 04046
Tel: 207-967-3218 - Cell: 561-789-6930 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.