POLYCHROME DECORATED TOOTH engraved both sides by the artisan referred to as The Naval Engagement Engraver. One side with a starboard view of a whale ship cutting-in blubber while three of her whaleboats are still capturing whales. One of the boats being upended by a sperm whale. Ship flying the Bennett house flag with a large letter "B" in the center. Water is color tinted using blue/green and red pigments. Reverse side depicts a fierce naval battle that includes 5 ships fighting in close quarters. Water tinted in light blue. 6 1/4" l. x 3" w. Condition overall excellent noting old loss along the very edge of the battle scene side. It does not extend in very far so doesn't come at all close to the engraved scene. Fine quality work as always by this artist.
We are always interested in purchasing nautical antiques. If you are selling one piece or your entire collection we would appreciate hearing from you.
107 Ocean Avenue
PO Box 765
Kennebunkport, Maine 04046
Tel: 207-967-3218 - Cell: 561-789-6930 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.