SPERM WHALE TOOTH DECORATED BOTH SIDES WITH SHIP PORTRAITS. One side with a quality rendering of the starboard view of a ship under full sail. Very detailed work even depicting men on board. Sails and rigging extremely well done. The reverse with a port view of another ship under sail. Quite a large and heavy tooth that measures 7 3/4" long x max width of 2 3/4". Weighs a full two pounds. Condition overall excellent.
We are always interested in purchasing nautical antiques. If you are selling one piece or your entire collection we would appreciate hearing from you.
107 Ocean Avenue
PO Box 765
Kennebunkport, Maine 04046
Tel: 207-967-3218 - Cell: 561-789-6930 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.